
College Debacle

Two days ago, I had one of the worst days in my life. And that day was the day when I knew the college decisions. Yale rejected me; Columbia and Hopkins waitlisted me. I entered the spring break with one college acceptance, and now with two days left, I still have only one college acceptance. I felt as if i was about to explode. I moarned and cursed the colleges, but that did not help me much.

I have worked hard for four years. As an immigrant, I think I did take as many chances as i could and strived to be the best. As I entered my senior year, I had confidence, perhaps too much of it, that I was wanted. I did not do much thinking on the other perspective, that i might be rejected by colleges, because I was too proud to believe so.

As I mentioned above, I did apply to many great schools, not believing that i would be rejected, though the odds were that I had a high probability of being rejected. Two days ago, I suffered from the consequence of my action.

However, yesterday at work, I realized that I wasn't that unlucky. My manager told me that why he works in Friendly's. Friendly's pays people lower than what other places pay, and he gets $9 an hour doing manager's work. He told me that he wanted to go to culinary art school. To do so, he needs about 26 Ks for tuition. I thought, "Oh my god, is it even possible?" Besides, he, at age 30, has 4 kids to take care. His plan is that he would work at Friendly's for 5 years, and then go to culinary art school for two years. After that, he can open a restaurant. "Wow, such a long shot," I thought. Fortunately, he had friends who are electrician, carpet cleaners, etc. Therefore, he would be covered. He also told me he had to save for his kids' college education and a life insurance of 1 million dollars in case he passes away.
Lastly, I asked him, "did you go to college?" He shook his head quickly and went back to his work.

I used to think that not going to college was regretful and tragic. I changed my mind a bit after that conversation with him. In the GT/AP environment, I am inclined to think that i have to go to college or I will be a failure. Friendly's has taught me that my thinking is mistaken. In America, one can do anything and still succeeds.

I know a chef at there who graduated from Franklin last year. He is in a community college because it gives him full ride to play socceer. He works at three places and makes around 1 K a week. and he is only a high school graduate.

My manager also told me that his friend, and electrician, gets paid $46 an hour at an army morgue. the only bad thing is that he saw dead soldiers' body and Nick Berg's.

I realized how childish and near-sighted I was. Yes, I did not get in the best colleges in America, but I am still going to college, however bad it is. After I graduate from college, I would have an edge in getting a better job, an office job, one that I don't have to make my hands all wet and dirty, or work till midnight everyday.

As I am writing my blog, I got the acceptance letter from the George Washington University. Finally, I am going to a college of my choice. :)


At 5:58 PM , Blogger An Intelligent Investor Wannabe said...

I did not get into Georgetown. However, since George Washington is also in Washington, D.C., I am still happy. I will visit College Park and George Washington University soon and make an educated decision.

Thanks again, come visit sometimes


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